This class lets you enumerate things in Truxton.
Attributes and Methods
currentfile: TruxtonFileIO
The file that contained whatever is being enumerated.
currentinvestigation: TruxtonInvestigation
The investigation that contained whatever is being enumerated.
currentmedia: TruxtonMedia
The media that contained whatever is being enumerated.
reset() -> None
Rewinds the enumeration to the beginning.
scope: int
This sets the level at which things can be enumerated. The default is a global scope, you want to enumerate everything in Truxton. You can set it to:
- Type_Investigation - This will tell Truxton you wish to enumerate things in a particular investigation
- Type_Media - This will tell Truxton you wish to enumerate things in a particular piece of media
scopeid: str | UUID
This isolates the scope
to the particular investigation or media you wish to enumerate.
target: int
These are the things you want to enumerate. It can be one of the following:
- Type_Artifact - The enumeration will be TruxtonArtifact objects
- Type_Camera_Information - The enumeration will be TruxtonEXIF objects
- Type_Event - The enumeration will be TruxtonEvent objects
- Type_File - The enumeration will be TruxtonFileIO objects
- Type_Investigation - The enumeration will be TruxtonInvestigation objects
- Type_Location - The enumeration will be TruxtonLocation objects
- Type_Media - The enumeration will be TruxtonMedia objects
- Type_Message_Attachment - The enumeration will be TruxtonFileIO objects of message attachments
- Type_Message_Body - The enumeration will be TruxtonFileIO objects of message bodies
- Type_Participant - The enumeration will be TruxtonMessageParticipant objects
- Type_Website_Visit - The enumeration will be TruxtonUrl objects
This sample will enumerate all of the investigations in Truxton and list all media in those investigations. The output is JSON format. There is a more complete example on GitHub.
import sys
import json
sys.path.append('C:/Program Files/Truxton/SDK')
import truxton
trux = truxton.create()
media_status_names = json.loads(trux.mediastatusnames())
media_type_names = json.loads(trux.mediatypenames())
def output_investigation(investigation: truxton.TruxtonInvestigation, instance: int) -> None:
if instance > 0:
d = dict()
d["id"] =
d["name"] =
d["case"] =
d["description"] = investigation.description
d["jurisdiction"] = str(investigation.jurisdiction)
d["opened"] = F"{investigation.opened:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}"
d["status"] = str(investigation.status)
d["type"] = str(investigation.type)
object_name = dict()
object_name["investigation"] = d;
print(json.dumps(object_name, ensure_ascii = False, sort_keys = True))
def output_media(media: truxton.TruxtonMedia) -> None:
d = dict()
d["id"] =
d["name"] =
d["case"] =
d["loadconfiguration"] = str(media.configid)
d["created"] = F"{media.created:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}"
d["description"] = media.description
d["evidencebag"] = media.evidencebag
d["expires"] = F"{media.expires:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}"
d["generatedfolderid"] = media.generatedfolderid.lower()
d["latitude"] = str(media.latitude)
d["longitude"] = str(media.longitude)
d["originator"] = media.originator
d["percentcomplete"] = str(media.percentcomplete)
d["rootid"] = media.rootid.lower()
d["status"] = str(media.status)
d["statusname"] = media_status_names[str(media.status)]
d["type"] = str(media.type)
d["typename"] = media_type_names[str(media.type)]
d["updated"] = F"{media.updated:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ}"
object_name = dict()
object_name["media"] = d;
print("," + json.dumps(object_name, ensure_ascii = False, sort_keys = True))
def dump_investigation(investigation: truxton.TruxtonInvestigation, instance: int) -> None:
output_investigation(investigation, instance)
investigation_media = trux.newenumerator()
investigation_media.scope = truxton.Type_Investigation
investigation_media.scopeid = = truxton.Type_Media
for media in investigation_media:
def main():
investigations = trux.newenumerator() = truxton.Type_Investigation
instance = 0
for investigation in investigations:
dump_investigation(investigation, instance)
instance += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":