Install Truxton

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There are several different installations of Truxton.

Stand-alone Install

From the root of the ISO folder, run Truxton_Installer.exe and accept the defaults. The database will be running on this machine. The depot files will be stored on a folder on this machine. This is much like a single machine install.

Client Server Install

This installation is where you have a database server and depot folders are shared.

New Install


From the root of the ISO folder, run Truxton_Installer.exe and customize it to:

  • Put the database onto an SSD drive
  • Put the depot files into folder in storage

Customize the install by:

  • Share the Depot folder. The resulting share name will be something like \\TruxServer\Depot
  • Edit TruxtonSettings.xml to:
    • Set the hashsetdir setting to point to a folder on an SSD and move the NSRL hashset there
    • Set the depotshare setting to contain the name of the share of the depot folder
    • Restart the Truxton service


  • Run the Truxton_Analyst_4.3.0.30731.exe installer.
  • Run the Analyst desktop and change the database connection to point to the server.
  • If you want the client to be unable to load data into Truxton:
    • Stop the Les service. You can prevent it from running by executing
      sc config "Les" start=disabled
    • Stop the Truxton service. You can prevent it from running by executing
      sc config "Truxton" start=disabled

Existing Install


If you are converting a stand-alone installation of Truxton to be a server, you will have to modify a few things.

  • Stop the Truxton service
  • Share the Depot folder. The resulting share name will be something like \\TruxServer\Depot
  • Set the depotshare setting to contain the name of the share of the depot folder
  • Restart the Truxton service
  • Modify the existing entries in the [Depot] table to have the URI column contain the correct location.
    UPDATE "Depot"
    SET "URI" = REPLACE( "URI", '\\Machine\Share\', '\\TruxServer\Depot\')
    WHERE "URI" LIKE '\\\\Machine%'


  • Run the Truxton_Analyst_4.3.0.30731.exe installer.
  • Run the Analyst desktop and change the database connection to point to the server.
  • If you want the client to be unable to load data into Truxton:
    • Stop the Les service. You can prevent it from running by executing
      sc config "Les" start=disabled
    • Stop the Truxton service. You can prevent it from running by executing
      sc config "Truxton" start=disabled