Database Tables

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The Truxton database holds "hot" tables that are constantly written to as well as reference (read-only) tables.

Data Tables

These tables hold data gleaned from exploiting media.

  • [Account] - Holds accounts.
  • [Alert] - Holds alerts.
  • [BOLO] - Be On the Look Out information.
  • [Content] - Holds content information.
  • [Definition] - Holds definitions of terms.
  • [Depot] - Holds depot information.
  • [Entity] - Also known as artifacts.
  • [ETLRoute] - Can be thought of as load configurations.
  • [Event] - This holds events extracted from exploited data.
  • [EXIF] - This holds Camera Information.
  • [ExpandedFile] - This allows you to determine if a file has been expanded.
  • [File] - The files found in exploited media.
  • [FileType] - The types of files Truxton knows about.
  • [Free] - The table that holds the free space in media.
  • [InvestigatorAction] - Actions taken by the investigator while using the Analyst Desktop.
  • [Location] - Geographic locations.
  • [Log] - Holds entries in the load log.
  • [Media] - Details about the seized media.
  • [Relation] - Relationships between items in Truxton.
  • [Statistics] - Load statistics.
  • [Tag] - Tags used in Truxton.
  • [TriageFile] - Holds filenames to load during a Triage Load.
  • [USBDevice] - USB Devices.
  • [WebsiteVisit] - URLs found during exploitation.

Reference Tables

These tables exist only to give meanings to magic values so humans can better comprehend it.

  • [AlertStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [AlertStatusID] column of the [Alert] table.
  • [BOLOStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [BOLOStatusID] column of the [BOLO] table.
  • [ContentStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [ContentStatusID] column of the [File] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [DataType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [DataTypeID] column of the [Entity] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [DepotStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [DepotStatusID] column of the [Depot] table.
  • [DepotType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [DepotTypeID] column of the [Depot] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [EntityType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [EntityTypeID] column of the [Entity] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [EventType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [EventTypeID] column of the [Event] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [GroupEntryStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [GroupEntryStatusID] column of the [GroupEntry] table.
  • [GroupEntryType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [GroupEntryTypeID] column of the [GroupEntry] table.
  • [GroupStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [GroupStatusID] column of the [Group] table.
  • [InvestigationType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [InvestigationTypeID] column of the [Investigation] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [InvestigationStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [InvestigationStatusID] column of the [Investigation] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [LocationType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [LocationTypeID] column of the [Location] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [MediaStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [MediaStatusID] column of the [Media] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [MediaType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [MediaTypeID] column of the [Media] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [MessageAddressType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [MessageAddressTypeID] column of the [MessageAddress_Message] table.
  • [MessageType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [MessageTypeID] column of the [Message] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [ObjectType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [ObjectTypeID] column of the [Relation] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [Origin] gives meaning to integer values found in the [OriginID] column of the [File] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [RelationType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [RelationTypeID] column of the [Relation] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [ReviewSource] gives meaning to integer values found in the [ReviewSourceID] column of the [Review] table.
  • [ReviewStatus] gives meaning to integer values found in the [ReviewStatusID] column of the [Review] table.
  • [ReviewType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [ReviewTypeID] column of the [Review] table.
  • [URLType] gives meaning to integer values found in the [URLTypeID] column of the [WebsiteVisit] table. These values are also defined constants.
  • [WebsiteMethod] gives meaning to integer values found in the [WebsiteMethodID] column of the [WebsiteVisit] table. These values are also defined constants.